Power Distribution Solutions (Low, Medium and High Voltage)

APS provides full solutions for wide range of Low, Medium and High Voltage electrical construction products including transformers, ATS, STS, switchgears, MCCB’s, cables and all accessories for power equipment’s).

Portable and Standby Generator Solutions

APS offers extensive range from 9 KVA up to 2500 KVA, to match the need and demand of the markets.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Solutions

Power outages are regular threats that can damage the electrical facilities of any organization and its operations, thus protecting devices became a necessary process in any project.

Solar Power Energy System Solutions

We are helping accelerate the clean energy transition. By offering high-quality, reliable products and systems, we provide holistic solutions for the solar and renewables industry.

APS provide all solar power energy system solutions with its strong partnership with world’s leader in the clean energy transition. We provide a comprehensive suite of solar solutions that can optimize a wide range of project for Residential system, Commercial and industrial system and Irrigation system

Data Center Power Distribution Solutions

The rapid development of cloud technology is imposing ever stricter requirements on power supply – the very lifeblood for servers and switches. Ensuring reliable power supply, APS delivers reliable, efficient, convenient and intelligent power solutions for datacenter.

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